On the gifts and graces of the table
Taste and See that the Lord is Good
2-3 October 2024 | Andrew Murray Centre for Spirituality, Wellington
At this conference we will explore how – in our age of rapid acceleration, isolation, and exhaustion – tables can serve as grace-filled places for reconnection: with the earth, people around us, and also with the triune God, the giver of all good gifts.
Join us as we think about themes such as:
– Food and hospitality in the Bible and the Christian tradition
– The link between spirituality and activities such as woodwork, baking bread, and cooking in the kitchen
– The sounds associated with the table
– The practice of giving thanks in prayer at the table
– The bridging of divided tables
– The experience of eating while on pilgrimage
– The Lord’s Supper
– And more!
The conference will be interactive and include ample opportunity for discussion around tables, worship, and also eating together.
Keynote speakers: